This project is my Master Project at the University of Freiburg.
The main goal was to create an easy-to-use web application, which would take a dataset (CSV, TSV), automatically determine a separator, validate the data (remove rows with a wrong syntax), define search facets, and save the file (pre-processing). Then, use the saved file as an input for the search engine CompleteSearch, which generates indices (post-processing).
CompleteSearch does all the work on performing the search in the uploaded dataset. The web application (this project) serves as a middle layer, which processes and corrects the user input, and sends it to a separate local CompleteSearch server.
- search as you type
- case-insensitive prefix search by default, e.g. sto matches storm as well as STOCK
- exact word search, e.g. graph$ matches graph but not graphics
- phrase search, e.g. deep.learn.neural.netw
- boolean AND, e.g. antonio vivaldi
- boolean OR, e.g. apple | microsoft
- facets: hits with exact field values, e.g. :facet:field_name:field_value
- filters: search for something in a particular field, e.g. :filter:field_name:value
The module proceeds as follows:
- check the file format (only CSV, TSV, and TXT are accepted)
- determine a separator from a list of accepted delimiters
- try to load the data into a DataFrame, ignoring lines with errors and comments
- generate a header row (e.g. Column1, Column2, etc.) if the input dataset doesn't have it
- extend the number of columns if it's not equal for every row
- determine facet fields (those fields whose values occur more frequent than others')
- save the filtered dataset
The module handles everything related to a search. It provides the following:
- search query parsing: trim/strip the query, replace multiple whitespaces with a single one, remove all whitespaces around search operators like . and |
- escape special characters
- facets: hits with exact field values, e.g. :facet:field_name:field_value
- filters: search for something in a particular field, e.g. :filter:field_name:value