Epydoc Log

Epydoc started at Thu Sep 16 13:42:01 2010

Warning: <UNKNOWN> has both a comment-docstring and a normal (string) docstring; ignoring the comment-docstring.

In /home/johannes/Dokumente/Uni/dipl/repos/Datenerfassung/buildxml/tools/BeautifulSoup.py: No documentation available!

Docstring Warning:
Failed identifier crossreference targets:
- BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup
      (from buildxml.xmlgetter.spider.IndexSpider._getPage)
      (from buildxml.xmlgetter.spider.IndexSpider.getNextPage)

Epydoc Options

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Epydoc finished at Thu Sep 16 13:42:05 2010

(Elapsed time: 3 seconds)