Public Member Functions

schedule_viewer::ScheduleRequestHandler Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

def do_GET
def OpenFile
def handle_GET_default
def handle_static_file_GET
def AllowEditMode
def handle_GET_home
def handle_json_GET_routepatterns
def handle_json_wrapper_GET
def handle_json_GET_routes
def handle_json_GET_routerow
def handle_json_GET_triprows
def handle_json_GET_tripstoptimes
def handle_json_GET_tripshape
def handle_json_GET_neareststops
def handle_json_GET_boundboxstops
def handle_json_GET_stopsearch
def handle_json_GET_stoptrips
def handle_GET_ttablegraph

Member Function Documentation

def schedule_viewer::ScheduleRequestHandler::handle_GET_ttablegraph (   self,
Draw a Marey graph in SVG for a pattern (collection of trips in a route
that visit the same sequence of stops).
def schedule_viewer::ScheduleRequestHandler::handle_json_GET_boundboxstops (   self,
Return a list of up to 'limit' stops within bounding box with 'n','e'
and 's','w' in the NE and SW corners. Does not handle boxes crossing
longitude line 180.
def schedule_viewer::ScheduleRequestHandler::handle_json_GET_neareststops (   self,
Return a list of the nearest 'limit' stops to 'lat', 'lon'
def schedule_viewer::ScheduleRequestHandler::handle_json_GET_routepatterns (   self,
Given a route_id generate a list of patterns of the route. For each
pattern include some basic information and a few sample trips.
def schedule_viewer::ScheduleRequestHandler::handle_json_GET_routes (   self,
Return a list of all routes.
def schedule_viewer::ScheduleRequestHandler::handle_json_GET_stoptrips (   self,
Given a stop_id and time in seconds since midnight return the next
trips to visit the stop.
def schedule_viewer::ScheduleRequestHandler::handle_json_GET_triprows (   self,
Return a list of rows from the feed file that are related to this
def schedule_viewer::ScheduleRequestHandler::handle_json_wrapper_GET (   self,
Call handler and output the return value in JSON.
def schedule_viewer::ScheduleRequestHandler::OpenFile (   self,
Try to open filename in the static files directory of this server.
Return a tuple (file object, string mime_type) or raise an exception.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
 All Classes Functions