Package buildxml :: Package plugins :: Module forschdb :: Class SyncPlugin_forschdb
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Class SyncPlugin_forschdb

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Finds all publications in the Forschungsdatenbank from all 11 faculties and the Universitätsklinikum.

The plugin needs a template url entry in config.PLUGINS:

       {u'name': u'forschdb',

It will then replace ${to_year} with the current year and generate a list of 13 URLs replacing ${fac} onces with 99 and the other 12 times with values from the range (0, 11). These URLs will then be queried, resulting each in a XML document with all publication entries for the faculty fac from the year 1900 until now.

The contents of each <publication> entry is then parsed with BeautifulSoup and a XMLEntry is produced. The content of the XMLEntry will be produced according to common citation rules, which presently distinguish five different types of publications:

"Artikel" will be the catch-all for unknown types of publications, of which there are presently none.

To Do: Have a look at memory consumption and optimize!

Instance Methods [hide private]
_extractTagData(self, tag, tagname=None)
Extracts data from a BeautifulSoup.Tag instance.
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_extractAuthor(self, tag)
Extracts author data from a BeautifulSoup.Tag instance.
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Gets the data from the Forschungsdatenbank.
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Inherited from xmlgetter.plugin.BaseSyncPlugin: __init__, entries_written, run, source_name, stats, url

Inherited from xmlgetter.request.BaseRequester (private): _requestURL

Inherited from xmlgetter.log.BaseLogger: logger

Inherited from xmlgetter.log.BaseLogger (private): _getLogger

Class Variables [hide private]

Inherited from xmlgetter.log.BaseLogger (private): _loggers

Instance Variables [hide private]

Inherited from xmlgetter.log.BaseLogger (private): _source_name

Method Details [hide private]

_extractTagData(self, tag, tagname=None)

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Extracts data from a BeautifulSoup.Tag instance.

  • tag (BeautifulSoup.Tag) - The root tag from which on to search for the data.
  • tagname (string) - The name of the tag that contains the data. If tagname is None, the data will be extracted from tag itself.
A string representing the found data, or None if no data could be found.

_extractAuthor(self, tag)

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Extracts author data from a BeautifulSoup.Tag instance.

  • tag (BeautifulSoup.Tag) - The root tag from which on to search for the data.
All authors of the publication concatenated and separated by a ','. If no author could be found, None is returned.


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Gets the data from the Forschungsdatenbank.

Retrieves all publications for each faculty and the university hospital.

Uses german variable names to be coherent with the XML data retrieved.

Returns: bool
False if an error or warning occured, True otherwise.
Overrides: xmlgetter.plugin.BaseSyncPlugin._getData